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56 records were found.

  • Arendholz, W.-R.; Raitviir, A.G. (1988). A new species of Hyaloscyphaceae on needles of Picea (Pinaceae). Mycotaxon 32 (1): 353-364.

  • Dudka, I.O.; Smitskaya, M.F.; Raĭtviir, A.G. (1990). Ridkisniĭ vodniĭ diskomitset Vibrissea truncorum (Alb. et Schw.) Fr. [The rare aquatic discomycete Vibrissea truncorum (Alb. & Schw.) Fr.]. Український Ботанічний Журнал [Ukrainian Botanical Journal] 47 (1): 36-39.

  • Galán, R.; Raitviir, A. (1994, publ. 1995). Luciotrichus lasioboloides, a new genus and a new species of the Pezizales. Czech Mycology 47 (4): 271-275.

  • Galán, R.; Raitviir, A. (1992). Notes on Spanish leaf-inhabiting Hyaloscyphaceae. Mycotaxon 44 (1): 31-44.

  • Galan, R.; Raitviir, A. (1992). Bisporella calycellinoides Sharma & Korf, a Indian species recorded from Spain. Mycotaxon 45: 229-233.

  • Galán, R.; Raitviir, A. (1994). Some new or interesting species of the Hyaloscyphaceae from Spain. Nova Hedwigia 58 (3-4): 453-473.

  • Galán, R.; Raitviir, A. (1995). Desmazierella acicola Libert in spagna. Rivista di Micologia 38 (1): 39-44.

  • Galàn, R.; Raitviir, A. (1995). Tricharina fibrillosa (Currey) Yang et Korf, una specie enigmatica di Pezizales trovata in Spagna. Rivista di Micologia 38 (2): 163-167.

  • Galán, R.; Raitviir, A.; Ayala, N.; Ochoa, C. (1994). First contribution to the knowledge of the Leotiales of Baja California and adjacent areas. Mycological Research 98 (10): 1137-1152.

  • Prokhorov, V.P.; Raitviir, A. (1991). New or interesting species of Ascobolus and Saccobolus in the USSR. Cryptogamic Botany 2 (2-3): 205-213.

  • Prokhorov, V.P.; Raitviĭr, A.G. (1985). [Discomycetes collected in early spring in the vicinity of Tartu]. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 19: 1-5.

  • Raitviir, A. (1993). List of alpine and subalpine Hyaloscyphaceae from Central Asia. Bibliotheca Mycologica 150: 201-214.

  • Raitviir, A. (1995). Studies in the Trichopezizelloideae (Hyaloscyphaceae) 1: A new species of Solenopezia from French Alps. Documents Mycologiques 25 (98-100): 359-362.

  • Raitviir, A. (1987). Notes on the taxonomy and nomenclature of Belonidium, Trichopeziza and Lachnum (Hyaloscyphaceae) in the light of the homologous series concept. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised Bioloogia 36 (4): 313-318.

  • Raitviir, A. (1977). A new genus of the Hyaloscyphaceae. Folia Crypt. Eston. 8: 1-3.

  • Raĭtviĭr, A. (1986). Some new combinations into the genus Lachnum Retz. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 20: 1-2.

  • Raitviir, A. (1990, publ. 1991). A new alpine species of Cistella. Rivista di Micologia 33 (3): 306-308.

  • Raitviir, A. (1970). Synopsis of the Hyaloscyphaceae. Scripta Mycologica 11.

  • Raĭtviĭr, A. (1986). Problemy roda u discomitsetov [The problem of genus in discomycetes]. Scripta Mycologica Tartu 15: 149-158.

  • Raitviir, A. (1989). On the discriminant analysis in the taxonomy of discomycetes [abstract]. Scripta Mycologica Tartu 17: 98.

  • Raitviir, A.; Galán, R. (1995). The genus Polydesmia in Spain. Mycotaxon 53: 447-454.

  • Raitviir, A.; Galán, R. (1992). Lachnum cyanoparaphysatum sp.nov. A Mediterranean foliicolous species of the Hyaloscyphaceae. Rivista di Micologia 35 (2): 159-164.

  • Raitviir, A.; Galán, R. (1993). Notes on Spanish glassy-haired Hyaloscyphaceae. Sydowia 45 (1): 34-54.

  • Raitviir, A.; Galán, R. (1994). On the taxonomic position of ‘Pezizellagemmarum. Systema Ascomycetum 13 (2): 159-164.

  • Raitviir, A.; Haines, J.; Müller, E. (1991). A re-evaluation of the ascomycetous genus Solenopezia. Beihefte zur Sydowia 43: 219-227.

  • Raitviir, A.; Kutorga, E. (1992). A new and some interesting species of Crocicreas from Lithuania. Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised Bioloogia 41 (3): 162-165.

  • Raitviir, A.; Sacconi, S. (1987). Some interesting Hyaloscyphaceae from North Italy. Mycologia Helvetica 2 (2): 165-171.

  • Raitviir, A.; Sacconi, S. (1991). Some interesting Hyaloscyphaceae from north Italy. 2. Mycologia Helvetica 4 (2): 161-168.

  • Raitviir, A.; Spooner, B.M. (1994). Discussion 8. Cyttariales, Lahmiales, Leotiales, Medeolariales, Ostropales, Patellariales, Rhytismatales, and Triblidiales. In Hawksworth, D.L. [ed.], Ascomycete Systematics. Problems and Perspectives in the Nineties. NATO ASI Series vol. 269 pp. 403-410. New York and London; Plenum Press.

  • Raĭtviĭr, A.; Thind, K.S.; Sharma, R. (1985). Four new species of Helotiales from the Eastern Himalayas (India). Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised Bioloogia 34 (3): 226-231.

  • Raitviir, A.G. [as Райтвийр, А.Г.] (1967). Предварительный обзор экзобазидиальных грибов в СССР [A preliminary review of exobasidial fungi of the USSR]. Микология и Фитопатология [Mycology & Phytopathology] 1 (6): 450-453.

  • Raĭtviĭr, A.G. (1987). Sistema gialostsifovykh gribov [System of hyaloscyphic fungi]. Микология и Фитопатология [Mycology & Phytopathology] 21 (3): 200-206.

  • Raitviïr, A.G. (1985). The arcto-alpine species of the Hyaloscyphaceae. Agarica 6 (no. 12): 137-146.

  • Raitviir, A.G. (1963). Gelatinous fungi. Eesti Loodus 2: 111-113.

  • Raitviir, A.G. (1964). Novye vidy i rod gribov Discomycetes i Heterobasidiomycetae [New species and a new genus of Discomycetes and Heterobasidiomycetes]. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised 13 (1): 28-32, 3 figs.

  • Raitviir, A.G. (1964). Geograficheskoe raspotranenie geterobazidial nykh gribov [The geographic distribution of heterobasidial fungi]. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised 13 (2): 106-122, 13 maps, 5 tables.

  • Raitviir, A.G. (1964). The mycological herbarium of the Institute of Zoology and Botany. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised 13 (4): 365-366.

  • Raitviir, A.G. (1965). Taxomonical notes on the genus Gyromitra. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised Biol. Ser. 14 (3): 320-324, 3 figs.

  • Raitviir, A.G. (1964). Novy vidy i rod gribov Discomycetes i Heterobasidiomycetae [New species and a new genus of Discomycetes and Heterobasidiomycetae]. Eesti TSV Akad. Toim. 13 (1): 28-32, 3 figs.

  • Raitviir, A.G. (1961). [A survey of the distribution of Pezizales in Estonia. I]. Flor. Märk. 1 (3): 131-136, 4 maps.

  • Raitviir, A.G. (1961). [A survey of the distribution of the species of Geoglossaceae in Estonia]. Flor. Märk. 1 (3): 137-145, 2 figs, 4 maps.

  • Raitviïr, A.G. (1985). Macromycetes of Kamchatka. II. Hyaloscyphaceae. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 17: 2-4.

  • Raitviïr, A.G. (1985). Chetyre novykh vida gialostsifovykh gribov. [Four new species of the Hyaloscyphaceae]. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 23: 5-7.

  • Raĭtviĭr, A.G. (1987). The genus Pseudoombrophila in the USSR. Folia Cryptogamica Estonica 24: 14-15.

  • Raitviir, A.G. (1963). Griby poryadka heliotales, sobrannye na kamchatke i ostrove kunashir [Fungi of the order Heliotales collected in Kamchatka and Kunashir island]. Issledovanie Prirody Dal’nego Vostoka. 300-305.

  • Raĭtviĭr, A.G. (1984). Novy vid Lanzia equiseti Raitv. Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rasteniĭ 21: 116-118.

  • Raitviïr, A.G. (1985). Vidy gialostsifovykh gribov na bambuke kurilskom [Species Hyaloscyphacearum in Sasa spp. inventae]. Novosti Sistematiki Nizshikh Rasteniĭ 22: 157-162.

  • Raitviir, A.G. (1963). Obzor Tremellales i Dacrymycetales Komi ASSR [Review of the Tremellales and Dacrymycetales in the Komi ASSR]. Tartu riik. Ulik. Toim. Bot. 136 (6): 203-212, 6 figs, 1 map.

  • Raĭtviĭr, A.G.; Blank, P. (1988). Zwei neue Hyaloscyphaceae auf Schoenoplectus lacustris. Mycologia Helvetica 3 (1): 143-148.

  • Raĭtviĭr, A.G.; Galan, R. (1986). A new genus of the Hyaloscyphaceae. International Journal of Mycology and Lichenology 2 (2-3): 221-234.

  • Raĭtviĭr, A.G.; Kull, K. (1988). Dialogovyĭ klyuch dlya opredeleniya gribov, realizovannyĭ na personal’nom kompyutere [A dialogue key for fungal identification with a personal computer]. Микология и Фитопатология [Mycology & Phytopathology] 22 (2): 111-117.

  • Raitviir, A.G.; Tarasov, K.L. [as Райтвийр, А.Г.; Тарасов, К.Л.] (1975). Анализ структуры формального рода Acremonium Link ex Fr. [Analysis of the structure of the formal genus Acremonium Link ex Fr.]. Микология и Фитопатология [Mycology & Phytopathology] 9 (3): 203-207.

  • Vaasma, M.; Kalamees, K.; Raĭtviĭr, A.G. (1986). Makromitsety Kavkazskogo gosudarstvennogo zapovednika [Macrofungi of the Caucasian State Nature Reserve]. Scripta Mycologica Tartu 13: 106 pp.

  • Vasil’eva, L.N.; Raitviir, A.G. (1964). K flore diskomitsetov yuga Primorskogo kraya [On the flora of Discomycetes in the south of the Primorsk (Pacific) region]. Soobschch. Fil. Sibir. Otdel. Akad Nauk SSSR Biol. Ser. 23: 51-54.

  • Wells, K.; Raitviir, A. (1977). The species of Exidiopsis (Tremellaceae) of the USSR. Mycologia 69 (5): 987-1007.

  • Wells, K.; Raitviir, A.G. (1987). New and noteworthy taxa of the Exidiaceae of the USSR. Transactions of the British Mycological Society 89 (3): 341-346.

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